
The argument that CityDocs is better technology than, say, a ZocDoc is debatable. What does make CityDocs superior, however, is its ongoing experiment with low to no costs. If it works in Alabama where the platform reinvest much of its revenues back into the patients then it is possible to imagine this method becoming the model nationally.

Jeffrey Drazen

The New England Journal of Medicine, former editor-in-chief

Great service. You can tell it aint just about the money for them. I still cannot believe that this thing is homegrown. Would definitely recommend.

David Coram

Pelham (AL) City Council

Similar sites have high cost for customer acquisition, customers cancel and practice has no recourse from paying, while CityDocs goes out its way to remove barriers for both doctor and patient.

Sway McCormick-Jennings

General Practitioner, Princeton Baptist Medical Center

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